What Vitamins Are Good For You & What Are A Waste Of Money

vitamins and supplements

There are heaps of vitamins and supplements that are being advertised these days to boost your energy, to help defense you against colds and flu, to help with stress and so forth.  According to IBIS World, in the article "Vitamins and Supplement Manufacturing in Australia: Market Research Report", vitamins and supplements industries such as Blackmore and Swiss has steadily increased their revenue growth due to increased in consumer expenditure.  Currently, the cumulative vitamin and supplement industry is valued at $1 billion in Australia.

For some people, there are good reasons to use vitamins and supplements prescribed by GP or Health Practitioners.  However, for majority of us there is absolutely no reason to spend money on vitamins and supplements if we have a well balanced diet comprising of complex carbohydrates, protein, fruit, vegetables and dairy.

Vitamin D is important to keep your bones strong and for calcium absorption.  It is hard to get from food and tougher to get during winter months.

Zinc is the only trace mineral that is linked to shortening a cold and interferes with cold-causing viruses.

Vitamin C for the general population, research has found that it did not prevent colds.

Multivitamins has no proof of benefits and there are evidences that high doses of certain vitamins can be harmful.

Vitamin E is well-know for its prevention in cancer and cardiovascular disease, however clinical research has shown very little benefits and in fact has shown it to be harmful in some circumstances.

Fish oil supplements are promoted for its heart health, ease inflammation, improve mental health and longevity, but clinical results has shown that the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acid supplements is in conclusive, and high doses can be harmful

Spend your well earned money on nourishing your body naturally through healthy food and lifestyle.  A well balanced healthy diet is enough to give us all the necessary nutrients to supplement our body to cope with life challenges.  Do think about the vitamins and supplements that you are currently taking and ask yourself "Do I need all these vitamins and supplements?"   Be aware that taking a handful of vitamins and supplement is no substitute for the wealth of nutrients found in food.  In fact it could potentially do more harm than good to your body.  

Chinese medicine has long understood that food is medicine.  The first port of call to a healthy life is through food and lifestyle.  By eating food with the season and consuming different types of food in moderation in always recommended in Chinese medicine dietary management.


Harvard Health Publications: Harvard Medical School.  2016.  "Why dietary supplements are suspect"

A short video about the benefits of vitamins and supplements can be view here

Warmflash, D.  2015. "Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Miracle potions, Silent dangers or both"

Ghose, T.  2015.  "The Science of Vitamin C: Can Taking It Prevent A Cold?"

John Hopkins Medicine.  "Is There Really Any Benefits to Multivitamins?"

Berkeley Wellness. 2014.  "Should Anyone Take Vitamin E?"

Harvard Health Publications: Harvard Medical School.  2013.  "Fish Oil: Friend or Foe?"

Salzberg, S.  2013.  "Top Five Vitamins You Should Not Take"