Spring Series - 5 Tips To Survive Hay Fever This Spring

hay fever

We are well and truly into hay fever season as I see more patients coming into the clinic for this reason.  Besides treating hay fever with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, I often advise my clients to do some additional work to further help them manage their hay fever symptoms.

1) Nasal wash.  This is one of the best way to clear nasal congestion.  It cleans your sinus cavities from excess mucous and pollen or inflammatory materials it may contain.  I highly recommend Flo Sinus care as I use this product myself and have found it to be very effective (I am not paid to do any advertising for them).  I wash my sinus cavities at least 2-3 times a day.  I have made it a habit of washing my sinuses every time I have spend time outdoors.  You can find this product in any Chemist Warehouse near you.  Here is a Youtube Video explaining the importance of caring for your sinuses and how the product is used.

2) Removing clothing items and showering when exposed to pollen.  After spending a glorious spring day out removing any item of clothing exposed to pollen and jump straight into the shower to wash away pollen stuck to the hair and eyes helps to ensure that the pollen does not irritate the nose and eyes when I am at home safe from allergen.

3) Invest in an air purifier.  As the weather warms up, I love opening the windows to let in the fresh air flow through the house.  However,  to combat pollen flowing around the house, I use an air purifier to clear the air of allergen after I have shut the windows. It is also very important to continuously keep your space clean and dust free to reduce any trigger to your allergy.

4) Avoid foods that produces mucous.  Dairy, sugar, raw and greasy food should be avoided.  In Chinese medicine, foods that deplete the transformation and transportation process of the Spleen will often lead to the formation of Damp (sinus congestion, mucous and phlegm).  If you are prone to being Damp these food should be avoided to reduce mucous build up in the body and sinus cavities. Foods to avoid are banana, avocado, chocolate, ice-cream, yoghurt, cheese and cold and raw salads and smoothies.

5) Wear a mask and sunglasses.  Wearing a mask may not be fashionable and may get some people staring at you.  However, if you have bad hay fever symptoms and hate being stuck indoor on a wonderful spring day, wearing a mask and sunglass is an alternative to reducing the severity of symptoms while enjoying the outdoor.  Do be cautious that on high pollen count days, it is advisable to stay indoor.

I hope you have found these tips useful.  There is a link to pollen count in Australia and some interesting articles about hay fever that you may be interested in the resources section below.  If you have further questions on how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help to reduce the severity of your hay fever symptoms, we have a FREE 15 minutes consult at the clinic.  Simply BOOK ONLINE and we will be happy to have a chat.  In the meantime, implement these suggested strategies that can help you minimise your allergic reaction to enjoy spring a little more this year.  From a hay fever sufferer to another - good luck!


Pollen Forecast in Australia

Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology And Allergy, 2015.  Pollen Allergy.

Ryan, C., 2015.  Don't Blame The Wattle:  Allergy Expert Explains Real Causes of Hayfever And Why Spring Isn't Always The Worst Time For Sufferers.

My Hayfever (n.d.).  Hay Fever In Australia